Synopsis of the performance
Earlier today we engaged St John Primary school in Korogocho where we started with bonding & Ice breaker activities to create a relaxed environment where they can share ideas and participate fully and build rapport. We then had a puppetry performance addressing common challenges that children face in homes & informal settlements i.e parental conflicts, lack of basic needs like clothing & food, predisposing Issues that expose them to child labor, child marriages & teenage pregnancies, drugs and substance abuse, negative peer pressure and school droupouts and how this affects their Education & Safety. We concluded the session by agreeing that: Education is fundamental to our future success, it’s important to engage/talk toa third party especially teachers when facing challenges at home.

Questions to Pupils
What did you learn from the performance/ what message were they trying to drive?
- When parents quarrel or fight at home it affects us.
- Poverty results to increased theft cases.
- We should not steal.
- We should take care of our brothers and sisters.
What would you have done better if you were in Abus and the sisters situation?
- I would talk to my teacher, neighbor or my uncle to help me out with the situation at home.
- I would have talked to my friends at school and see if maybe they would be carrying extra food from their homes form my sister and i.
- I would have borrowed the food instead of stealing.
- I would have given one of my parents time to cool down the talk to him.
What are some of the effects of such situations?
- We lack concentration in class.
- We start thinking of negative things.
- One thinks of dropping out of school.
- We become untidy because we forget to take care of ourselves.
- We arrive at school late and get punished.
- We start failing exams.
- May result to early marriages so as to survive and get access to food.
- May result to early pregnancies or teenage pregnancies as a result of transactional sex.
- May lead to children running away from their homes.
From the performance what factors contributed to what Abu and his sister did?
- Parents not listening to them.
- Parents not being in a position to provide food for them.
- Abu being the first born, he was forced to steal to provide for her sister.
- Hunger
Is there anything that can be done to change such situations?
Yes, there is.
What would you do to ensure that your education is not affected and your safety is secured?
- Concentrate in school despite the issues at home.
- Pray and be hopeful that our parents will get a job and be stable to provide us with everything we need.
- Avoid involving ourselves in parental conflicts or siding with either of them.
- Approach a trusted teacher or a relative to intervene.
- Talk to the teacher so that they understand the situation at home and why such a student comes to school late and with torn uniforms.

- The message was so impactful to the children because some of them experience the same thing at their homes.
- The teachers supported the process, they were so happy and requested that we plan for more engagements with the students especially on topics surrounding education and safety, considering the areas they come from have more cases of insecurity.